Unless you are living under a rock. Digital marketing is the new go to sales strategy for every business.
No longer do sales personnel have access to strict access information that customers can’t access, thus customers can already start their purchase decisions from the internet alone and there is where Digital marketing is crucial.
FoxfireMarketing says Leaving a digital footprint everywhere on the web helps create top-of-mind in your customers mind. It is cost effective and efficient at reaching out to larger targetted audience compared to traditional channels like TV and Radio.
But with great power comes great responsibilities.
It is far more complex to master the intricate functions in digital marketing. Every software is so advanced that it requires much thought and process into building the exact funnel that customers buy the most.
And the truth is, everyone thinks they know how to do digital marketing but not many do.
Some agencies even have interns handle your account without supervision just for practice, afterall, they have overheads to pay and lowering their cost is priority.
That results in campaigns that we have seen when clients spent over $5000 with ZERO results.
That is ridiculous but the sad truth is there are agencies out there doing that.
How do you choose the right agency?
Make sure your agency is not a one size fit all kind of agency. They understand your business, gives you little guarantees but promises to try their best. Different types of digital marketing strategies work for different businesses.
For example, videos may work great for e-commerce but will it work well with food products?
Or Facebook is an excellent channel at reaching out to consumers but is it good for reaching out to stake holders?
This are the little details that your agency should consider and weighing the options, give you a gauge of what to expect as well as their commitment to keep you updated on their execution
Next, make sure your agency has past case studies of similar clients that you can get a reference for your purchase. After all if they have delivered results, their clients would be happy to endorse them for your use. If they avoid giving a reference, it is a warning sign to stay away.
Lastly, do a background check and ask deeper questions. Don’t take their answers at face value, find out their processes, service standards and how do they remedy scenarios that are not to your favour. Competency and commitment are things that you want to look out for in a long term partnership like Digital Marketing.